OSS Components

Nephōsec enterprise software uses the following key open source components. Depending on the customer’s preferred deployment and installation methods these components may be provided by Nephōsec using various container technologies, or the customer may source these components themselves.

Python LibrariesLicense Method
sysPSF License
utilsPSF License
requestsApache 2.0
setuptoolsMIT License
email.mimePSF License
osPSF License
queuePSF License
collectionsPSF License
hashlibPSF License
copyPSF License
concurrent.futuresPSF License
pprintPSF License
jsonPSF License
datetimePSF License
boto3Apache 2.0
ast (PSF)PSF License
gcPSF License
getpassPSF License
rePSF License
subprocessPSF License
shlexPSF License
uuidPSF License
base64PSF License
xml.etree.ElementTreePSF License
html (PSF)PSF License
time (PSF)PSF License
dataclassPSF License
threadingPSF License
globPSF License
Ubuntu 20.04 PackagesLicense Method
python3.9PSF License
typescriptApache License 2.0
DockerApache License 2.0